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2 x Maso Here venison biltong 40 gram

2 x Maso Here venison biltong 40 gram
2 x Maso Here venison biltong 40 gram
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Deer! In many restaurants the most exclusive and expensive meat on the menu. Because it's worth it. Are you?


1 Tag

€ 14,95

2 x Maso Here venison biltong 40 gram

In many restaurants the most exclusive and expensive meat on the menu. Because it's worth it. Are you?

1 x 2 bags = 2 bags = € 14,95
2 x 2 bags = 4 bags = € 25,90
3 x 2 bags = 6 bags = € 35,85
4 x 2 bags = 8 bags = € 45,80
5 x 2 bags = 10 bags = € 55,75
7 x 2 bags = 1 full box of 15 bags = € 73,15*

*(I know that 7 x 2 = 14 but there are 15 bags in de box and that's a fixed amount so you get a full box of 15 bags. The webshop sales interface doesn't give me the opportunity to show it any way else, like 7,5 x 2 = 15.

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