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Basic beef jerky 500 gram.

Basic beef jerky
Basic beef jerky 500 gram.
1 Review | Add review
Big and delicious slices of thin bio beef jerky without any artificial additives. .
€ 53,95

Basic beef jerky 500 gram.

Back to basics with "Basic beef jerky": big delicious thin slices of jerky with a simple "no nonsense" flavor that you can rip yourself. Tearing with the fingers if you want to do it neatly, tearing with the teeth if you want to let go of the "inner-viking or medieval" in you.

This jerky is made exclusively for me and I am very proud of that. The meat comes from organically grown Limousin cattle.
Because the slices of beef are thin, they are full of flavor. Wonderful taste! And yet different from the Indiana beef jerky Original so a great addition to my range. This jerky is so very cool that it is also sold in cool quantities: per 500 grams!

Take a slice to school or work, to the cinema or just eat it at home on the couch. Give your kids something good to school instead of all that sugary junk: basic beef jerky is pure meat and free from any artificial additives.

Basic beef jerky is very low in fat, ridiculously low in carbohydrates but high in protein.

The more you order, the lower the price per bag.

     1 x 500 gram = €   50,95
     2 x 500 gram = € 
     4 x 500 gram = € 187,80
     6 x 500 gram = € 284,70
     8 x 500 gram = € 339,60

The marinade contains gluten and soy.


Storage advice:
Basic beef jerky is without any artificial preservatives and is therefore not indestructible. Always keep it dry. 
Please do not keep the jerky in the plastic bag. It is best to take everything out of the package and keep the jerky in the freezer.
When you take the jerky out of the freezer it is immediately ready to eat.

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vince - 01-02-2024 09:52

Naar mijn mening de beste beef jerky die je kan kopen in nederland.