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Beef biltong chili bites 200 gram

Beef biltong chili bites 200 gram
Beef biltong chili bites 200 gram
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Biltong chili bites; sturdy pieces of beef biltong with chili pepper. Great to enjoy with a drink. It's spicy but not as "hot" as the Indiana beef jerky Hot & Sweet.

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€ 22,95

Beef biltong chili bites 200 gram.

Biltong chili bites; big pieces of beef biltong with chili pepper. Great to enjoy with a cold drink.
No, it doesn't burn your mouth: it's spicy but not as "hot" as the Indiana beef jerky Hot & Sweet.

This is top quality beef biltong, exclusively made for me right here in Holland according to Dutch food safety laws and HACCP-standards. 

The more you order, the lower the price per bag.

1 x 200 gram = € 22,95
2 x 200 gram = € 41,90
3 x 200 gram = € 59,85
4 x 200 gram = € 77,80

My beef biltong is produced without any artificial additives, is gluten-free and without "E-numbers".

So what is biltong in general?
Biltong is a big piece of meat taken from the behind (bil) of the animal and in the shape of a big tongue (tong): biltong. "Invented" by the Dutch colonists in Africa (the "boeren") a couple of hundred years ago who needed to dry their meat since they couldn't find any electricity for their refridgerators. (That's a joke, I hope you get it.) It starts out as a very thick piece of meat, gets marinated with those typical Southafrican-style herbs and spices and then it's dried for about 4 days. The end result compared to jerky is thicker, softer in structure (less dry) and also "softer" in taste. 
Biltong chili bites are pre-cut pieces of biltong, dried for an extra day and the marinade contains chili pepper to "spice up" the flavor.

How to preserve biltong chili bites?
In a bowl (kom) in the fridge. It's still meat and it's without artificial additives to make it last longer so it's a bit more vulnarable than a thinner and more dry piece of jerky. So please keep it in the refridgerator, maybe even covered in that special "food foil", shrinkage foil, vershoud folie, you know the stuff that's so hard to cut of and work with.

About the photo.
When I got a famous customer ofcourse I'de like to show of with him! And this particular gentleman isn't just anyone...
Mister John Rhys-Davies, famous British actor from -among others- The Lord of the Rings and Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark, has actually lived in Tanzania for several years so he knows all about biltong, tasted them all and he loves biltong. So when he first tried my biltong (the biltong chili bites) at the Amsterdam Comic Con two years ago I was very proud that he liked it and wrote a recommandation for it which I carry around to every show I promote my dried meat products at. We met again in the summer of 2019 at an event in Belgium and this time I got him to actually come to my booth where he eventually bought two huge biltongs, both more than 400 grams heavy. 
So do you want to know if my biltong is "the right stuff"..? Trust JRD. 


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Mark van Engelen - 22-12-2023 11:39

Helemaal super, elke keer weer een groot succes, genieten!